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Register for Local Senate District Democratic Convention

The 2018 Senate District 17 (Harris County) and Senate District 7 Democratic Convention will be held on Saturday, March 24th at Northbrook High School (Spring Branch ISD), located at 1 Raider Circle South, Houston TX, 77080. (Senate District 17 and Senate District 7 will be holding a joint convention).

Registration/Check-in starts at 8:00 am with a Call-to-Order at 9:00 am. The Convention is expected to adjourn at 3:00 pm. The Convention is free and open to ALL Democrats but it is important that you pre-register for the convention. To register, visit

The Senate District Conventions are held every two years in preparation for the Texas Democratic Convention (to be held June 21-23 in Fort Worth). The purpose of the Senate District Convention will be to:  Select delegates to the State Convention; Pass Resolutions that will be forwarded to the State Convention for possible inclusion in the Party Platform; Meet your fellow Democratic activists in your precinct and neighborhood; Hear from Democratic candidates and elected officials.

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